5th August 2016

Catch Those Leads with Fast Responses

Recent research by the esteemed Harvard Business Review revealed some quite startling statistics that business managers really need to take note of. The research was into how quickly companies respond to online requests, and the review audited more than 2,200 companies in the US to get the results that would paint a true picture. Have you ever looked in detail at your response times? If not, we can assure you that you need to, and the numbers uncovered in the Harvard review may come as a shocking to many.

For example, consider this: what would you guess was the average response time across those companies audited? An hour, perhaps, or a couple of hours? Get this – it was an astonishing 42 hours! Here’s another: a quarter of the companies audited took more than 24hours to reply, and almost a quarter never replied! Why is this important? Quite simply, every lead has a short shelf-life, and if you don’t get back to them quickly, somebody else will. We are sure you will agree that you simply cannot be lax when it comes to treating enquiries with care, and that’s where timetoreply can help.

timetoreply is a proven and innovative lead time monitoring solution which works off your existing email accounts. There is no software to download, and you can keep a real-time eye on individual email accounts, team accounts and measure how well your agents are performing. In fact, so confident are we at timetoreply that we don’t even ask for a credit card to be registered, and as we charge you for each agent, you will be pleased to hear your first three agents are free – for life! You have nothing to lose by trying timetoreply for nothing, so get in touch now and we’ll be happy to help.

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